niedziela, 14 lutego 2010


Z dużym opóźnieniem ale jest : płyta CD oraz opis w formie składanej "mapy" o wym. 60 x 24 cm z 28 fotografiami, mapą Karpat, szkicem źródeł pochodzenia nagranych instrumentów i bogatymi opisami w wersji polskiej i angielskiej. Na Cd jest 29 utworów lub fragmentów utworów zagranych na unikalnych instrumentach karpackich : fujarach detwiańskich, gajdicach, gajdach, fletach bezotworowych, trąbach sygnałowych, drumlach, okarynach, rogu... Udało się zaprosić prawdziwych znawców muzyki Karpat, czynnych muzyków, którzy grają koncerty daleko od domu : Józef Broda, Ostap Kostiuk (UA), Vsevolod Sadovyj (UA), Michal Smetanka (SK), Marek Styczyński, Gerard Widmer (Szwajcaria).
Płyta jest wydawnictwem non-profit i można ją dostać z autorskich zasobów jako bonus do zamówień wydawnictw WFR albo wprost u Wydawcy:Instytut Europa Karpat instytut@europakarpat.plInstytut Europa Karpat, ul. Narutowicza 9A, 33-300 Nowy Sącz, kontakt: Tel/fax: +48 (18) 4434307 Opis Projektu znajduje się na stronie: , tekst dot. tradycyjnych instrumentów muzycznych i ich roli w praktykowaniu i rozwoju muzyki jest dostępny na stronie autora : w dziale : Instrumenty

The Monographs of the Traditional Carpathian Musical Instruments
By Marek Styczyński
Volume 1 : CD with 29 sam
ples & booklet with 2 maps and 28 photos

The art of making traditional musical instruments is a peculiar one as the main goal of its outcome is to keep the tradition of making music alive. The instruments, in addition to their role of sustainig the non-material culture making, are also material representations of the aesthetics and technical development of the cultures they were born in (or assimilated into) and they can be regarded as the key to understaning unrecorded, archaic sounds and musical tchniques. The lack of musical notation, typical of traditional forms, is sometimes substituted for by, more or less, free interpretation of the overheard musical techniques and translating them into the language of the Western 12-tone scale with many contemporary musicians craving for simplified musical forms characterised by loudness, clear-cut rhythm and danceability. It is widely assumed that such forms are typical of non-European cultures. However, it has to be stressed that many European cultures are still marked as UNFAMILIAR, they are marginalised and they function outside the European cultural mainstream. The marginalisation of traditional cultures is often rooted in politics…(more on or CD booklet).
/…/ In the descriptions of the instruments presented on this CD we have included the information reflecting the problems and phenomena signalled in the previous sections. The instruments are played by contemporary musicians : Józef Broda (PL), Ostap Kostiuk (UA), Vsevolod Sadik (UA), Michal Smetanka (SK), Marek Styczyński (PL), Gerard Widmer (CH) - whose activities surpass the borders of their native regions. Their approach, on some occasions, could be described as rather individualistic. The descriptions are expanded upon and documented in the phonographic and photographic forms on the project author’s blog. Go to: and under: Instrumenty / Instruments
This project supports informal ties existing among the musicians and traditional instruments enthusiasts, thanks to whom musical traditions are preserved outside the mainstream, which contributes to the continuity and diversity of culture.
Enjoy the unique sound of the Carpathians!

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